That can be a big, heavy, scary word. So much unknown on the other side of that word. So much fear and anxiety. That unknown is so big. So formidable.
And yet we all know that nothing worth while in life is achieved on this side of that word.
But still, it’s hard to take that first gargantuan step, even when we know it’s going to be a good thing.
Transitioning to a new way of eating is especially hard, I think. It’s like food has this weird ritual meaning. Taco Tuesday. Pizza Night. Baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie. See what I mean?
I’m from the South where most of the meat is fried and served with mashed potatoes, sweetcorn, and biscuits, all swimming in butter and gravy, and washed down by a gallon of sweet tea.
Now that might work if you’re a rough neck or a rodeo clown, but I’ve spent the majority of my adult life in an office behind a desk. So, not so good for me.
So trying to change to a ketogenic lifestyle feels a lot like swimming upstream.
Especially in the beginning when it’s a little confusing.
And if your family and/or friends aren’t transitioning with you, well, you can really feel all alone.
Often times, not having someone to answer questions or not having any accountability leads to giving up.
And along with quitting comes all those familiar feelings of guilt, shame, and anger.
I’m tired of all that. Aren’t you?
I want to succeed in this new way of living. And I want you to succeed in this new way of living as well.
Because that’s what it is, really. A lifestyle change. It’s so much more than just a diet. It’s a transition to eating to fuel your body.
Mindful munching, I like to call it. As opposed to the mindless eating so many of us have fallen into.
To that end, I would like to introduce you to my tribe. It’s a website called Keto Bootstrap where they genuinely care about you and your success.
They can answer all your questions, calculate your macros, and give you step-by-step, day-by-day guidance. They also have tons of recipes and meal plans.
But the best part?
They are a community of people right where you are. Making small changes every day. Cheering you on. Celebrating victories (with Keto approved goodies). And if you want to find an accountability partner, you can do that to.
Most of us need a supportive community for Success.
Seriously, success is easier when you’re not trying to achieve something in a vacuum!
You should go to Keto Bootstrap and check out their free 3-day weight loss challenge!
And even if you decide not to become a member of the Keto Bootstrap community, I encourage you to find a tribe somewhere.
Because no man (or woman) is an island. No matter what Simon & Garfunkle say!